Medical Acupuncture
Medical Acupuncture is the practice of integrating research findings into clinical acupuncture practice. Dr. Quesnele uses it as a safe, effective and unique modality of treatment within a framework of western medicine. Dr. Quesnele received his training at McMaster University Medical Acupuncture Program in Hamilton, Ontario.
Medical Acupuncture aims to relieve pain, improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, correct dysfunction, improve function and mobility, as well as improve organ function. In the literature Medical Acupuncture has shown to be an effective therapy for treating a variety of acute and chronic conditions, including:
Medical Acupuncture aims to relieve pain, improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, correct dysfunction, improve function and mobility, as well as improve organ function. In the literature Medical Acupuncture has shown to be an effective therapy for treating a variety of acute and chronic conditions, including: